Gearbox category C

PRODUCTS > Transmission parts > Gearbox category C

Gearbox category C

This category is a triplet gearbox (three gearboxes are connected)
The product code C is classified according to the power from 30HP to 160HP
The speed ratio of the product can be matched according to the demand, and the commonly used speed ratio is 1.38, 2.36, 2.47, 2.3 and so on
Most of the products are used in fertilizer spreaders, disc fertilizer spreaders, horizontal and vertical Jiaolong fertilizer spreaders, etc., and some are used in other categories
Product advantages, according to the commonly used manure spreader and other machines in the market, the length of the selection, the selection of the speed ratio
It is made of cast iron material, which has good wear resistance, good stability and easy maintenance. It has high strength and hardness, can withstand large loads and impact forces, and has a long service life
For more information, please contact us for understanding, selection, procurement, and after-sales issues

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